Top 10 Animation Explainers Reviews

The project
Video Production Services for Media Firm
The Client

The Media Trust is a firm that really looks out for the safety of users on the internet. They provide transparency into the complex relationships that enable the digital experience. Their platform continuously monitors websites and ad tags from the consumer’s point of view to identify violations of company-specific security, data, and creative quality policies. They work with publishers and ad tech companies as well as work with enterprise clients, a lot of retail clients, and e-commerce clients.

Opportunity / Challenge

“We were trying to find a cool visual way that simply described one of our top products, Media Filter. We needed something that really hammered home the benefits of the product, blocking malicious creative coming through advertising pipes, in a succinct and exciting way.”

“The engagement has really exceeded my expectations.”

MAR 17, 2021
Willing to refer5.0
Results & Feedback

“Our estimate was that this was going to be finished in early April 2021, and we ended up being way ahead of schedule. I was expecting it to take longer and was pleasantly surprised when Hugo kept coming back with results early. We will have this video on a variety…

The project
Full-Scale Promotional Video Production for Security Company
The Client

Integrated Protection Group (IPG) helps customers create a holistic security program utilizing the best practices in both manned security and technology. They create customized programs for our clients. IPG’s goal with every client is to create a Smartsite™ where customers can access both security personnel and systems information from any device, any time, anywhere.

Opportunity / Challenge

“We started a staffing division in the company. Animation Explainers helped us with our promotional video to kick off the new division.”

FEB 15, 2021
Willing to refer5.0
Results & Feedback

“On LinkedIn, we received a tremendous response to the video. We ended up with 1,873 views on the post, and I have about 3,500 followers on LinkedIn. People also liked and commented on it. That was by far the best response we’ve gotten on LinkedIn.”

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