Top 10 Animation Explainers Reviews

The project
University College Dublin
The Client

University College Dublin is one of Europe's leading research-intensive universities; an environment where undergraduate education, masters and PhD training, research, innovation and community engagement form a dynamic spectrum of activity.

Opportunity / Challenge

“We have a relatively new part-time program. We wanted to clarify our message to improve our student recruitment efforts. We needed to get the message out there about our program.”

Willing to refer5.0
Results & Feedback

“We're happy with the videos, especially our outreach team, which works with schools and NGOs. They’re able to show people the videos to highlight our program.The content also raised awareness internally, helping us to ask different schools within the university to offer more classes through our program. People can watch…

The project
Accelerated Payments Limited
The Client

Accelerated Payments provide finance to businesses with an immediate need for working capital to fund new opportunities for growth or keep the show on the road while they wait to get paid. Their invoice finance solution means clients can access cash in as little as 24 hours.

Opportunity / Challenge

“In some markets, invoice finance is very established and well-known, like in the UK, but other markets aren’t as familiar with it. We were trying to provide a short and succinct video that would educate the target audience on invoice finance.”

Willing to refer5.0
Results & Feedback

“In some markets, invoice finance is very established and well-known, like in the UK, but other markets aren’t as familiar with it. We were trying to provide a short and succinct video that would educate the target audience on invoice finance.”

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