For almost 20 years Tracking Football has researched the multiple sport background of football players across the nation. Year after year our studies indicate that the majority of professional and collegiate football players did not specialize in one sport during high school.
Below is a summary of our 2016 Super Bowl L research:
88% of Super Bowl football players were multiple sport athletes, 63% track & field in high school. #SB50 #multisport
— Tracking Football (@TrckFootball) February 7, 2016
Super Bowl LI will again feature a high percentage of athletes that played multiple sports as preps.
94 of 106 (88.7%) football players on Super Bowl team rosters played another sport in HS. #SB51#Patriots #RiseUp
➡— Tracking Football (@TrckFootball) January 23, 2017
Super Bowl LI Rosters – 3.41 PAI Average :
- 88.7% – Multi-sport
- 52.8% – Basketball
- 47.2% – Track & Field
- 18.9% – Baseball
New England Patriots – 3.52 PAI Average:
- 92.5% – Multi-sport
- 43.4% – Track & Field
- 58.5% – Basketball
- 22.6% – Baseball
Atlanta Falcons – 3.31 PAI Average:
- 84.9% – Multi-sport
- 50.9% – Track & Field
- 47.2% – Basketball
- 15.1% – Baseball
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