Tracking Football Tweet List (1.7.2016)

Through our Twitter account coaches have been identifying names of high school football players across the country that are also track athletes.  We have researched all submissions so far and evaluated them using our Player Athletic Index scoring system.

As of January 7th we have scored 67 high school football players.  Here are some observations

  • 3 players (4.5%) earned an exceptional 5.0 PAI rating
  • 8 players (11.9%) earned an outstanding  4.0 – 4.9 PAI rating
  • 26 players (38.8%) earned an above average 3.0 – 3.9 PAI rating
  • 23 players (34.3%) earned an average 2.0 – 2.9 PAI rating
  • 7 players (10.4%) earned a below average 0.0 – 1.9 PAI rating

High School football and track & field athletes are able to create their own Athletic Profile on our website. These profiles will include our Strength Coefficient Score and the ability to compare against other athletes in our site.

Keep the submissions coming!

Below is a full list of all submissions:

5.0 – 4.0 Player Athletic Index

3.9 – 3.0 Player Athletic Index

2.9 – 2.0 Player Athletic Index

1.9 – 0.0 Player Athletic Index