Training Videos

A quick introduction to Training Videos

A training video is a video solution that aims to educate the viewers or audience. These videos can range from serious business to subtle entertainment. Video is a perfect medium for learning or training. It’s inspiring, hands-on and at the same time, persuasive. Businesses use video content not only to educate but more importantly, to drive real organisational change. Take a look at the project we completed with Truata, we created a bespoke internal values video to portray the organisational culture for new hires in the Dublin office.

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Types of training videos from Animation Explainers

Sales videos

Sales training videos are effective for learning new skills, developing your talent or expertise, and finding some good inspiration. Sales can be less difficult and exhausting if you use powerful training videos. Sometimes, if you are not that great in speaking but you are creative in your videos, you can use that to get the attention of your audience and make your video fun.

Sports videos

Athletes and sports enthusiasts can use training videos in their events and their activities. Videos is an effective way to highlight their hard work and diligence in what their doing. It can also motivate and inspire them to learn.

Corporate training videos

Corporate business use videos to feature effective learning goals and integrate the orientation process for staff. These videos include orientation trainings on topics such as company culture, administrative procedures (computer logins, extensions, email setups, etc.) It aims to help staff or company members learn how to execute the basic and the complex tasks in the company, and to make sure that they are going to be productive, effective and efficient in their role or job.

How can training videos help you?

Boosts your branding.

Marketers use videos on their website to build trust with other professionals and businesses in their niche or industry. Not only will it help you boost engagement and drive traffic on your page, but also it can help you create more awareness in your brand. Plus, videos are shareable and easy to distribute anywhere. You can use it in emails, social media or landing page.

Generates the interests of the audience.

Regardless of the category of your audience, be as creative as you can with your training video. It has to be informative but also don’t forget to add some fun (not ridiculous fun). Use funky or upbeat music, live visuals or effects to make it more interesting. Those who use videos in their presentations gets more response and conversions.

Useful in business such as creating mocking business scenarios or when demonstrating how to plan your objectives.

For example, in the medical field, these professionals use training videos and simulation to help them prepare in real-life emergencies. Videos can also be immersive and interactive.

Provides value to the customers.

Through videos, you can create a solution and explain it clearly to your audience. You can help your customers or the audience make smart decisions. Don’t forget to make more emphasis on providing clear information about your brand, what are the benefits they can expect and why they should buy your product over your competitors.

What you need to do before creating a training video?


Set a goal. Before creating a video, you must have a marketing objective or goal. What do you want to achieve? Do you need more traffic to your website, create more awareness or you just want to make more connections. Operative word: more. Make your goals specific, measurable and as clear as possible. And always aim for something more. Once you have accomplished your goal, aim for something bigger.


Understand your demographics.
Once you have your goal, know your audience. Know about their interests, behavior, age or location, and even the things that they hate when they are attending a training. Understanding your audience is the key to a successful business.


Create your master plan.
Once you’ve got things set up, find a good inspiration for your video. And maybe an expert team that can help you with that. Video creation is less difficult when you plan it carefully and thoroughly. In every stage of the process, make sure that your goals, values and inspiration comes across in the video. After all, the video will not only represent your brand or name, but most importantly, it will help the audience learn and interact.

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