HR / Training Explainer Videos

Introduction to HR, Training & Recruiting Explainer Videos

Our Animation Explainers HR / Training videos offer an engaging way to present the best of your company and what it has to offer. Many of your candidates will read hundreds of different job descriptions and opening and the whole process can be very tiresome and overwhelming for people looking for new work.

So why can’t we make this process engaging and interesting? Think about a HR explainer video and how Animation Explainers can help you out!

It seems that for many millennials today to top things this demographic look for is a “great company culture” and “wonderful perks & benefits” and we don’t just mean ping-pong tables and flat whites on tap! You want your openings and job descriptions to feel a lot less that buzzwords and a more engaging insight into the features that make your company stand out from the crowd.

How do you do this? With a HR / training animation. With a video from Animation Explainers candidates can actually see what it would be like to join your team and gives them a strong overview of the benefits. Using our animated explainer videos helps put a human face to the organisation and to truly grasp the essence of a brand and it’s values. Many of the workforce today is looking for much more in their employment than just a paycheck at the end of the month. Millennials want to work for someone who they feel is invested in their future and can bring them forward. Showing them your values through an animated explainer video is the best way to do this.

The best part of HR and Training videos with Animation Explainers? Their shareable and viral factor. A well crafted, funny, and insightful recruitment video is likely to get attention, viewership

and engagement. These videos will actually benefit your overall marketing efforts and hopefully bring more interest around your brand. Take it from Animation Explainers a top notch Recruitment video and put you up ahead of your competition in a heartbeat!

Our Previous Recruitment Work in the space…

We worked with Irish Recruitment HR firm Hire Up and come up with two bespoke and standalone videos which would bring people into the Hire Up brand and also to inform them around how to use the mobile App. Both videos went down very well & are being used on their website and at trade shows around the UK, Ireland and Europe.



Native Gravity UK, we worked with a London based HR / Recruitment organisation to come up with an insightful and interesting video around hiring tech talent in London. From the storyboarding up until the end of the project we worked through the creative concept, found an engaging voiceover, an interesting storyline and put it all together for our client. This video has now been used in a number of different ways in order to seek our talent and inform users about the great work Native Gravity is doing the recruitment space.

Native Gravity1:11s

Why do these Recruitment explainer videos work?

We believe that’s down to our internal process we operate in Animation Explainers HQ. We take the time to hone into your branding, messaging and marketing strategy in order to understand what you need out of our videos.

Our creative team do a full assessment of your project and your ideas to discuss your needs and determine which solutions are the best for you. Usually on average projects take 2-3 weeks to make from start to finish depending on the urgency around the project! If you have a clear vision and idea come to us with your ideas and we can map this out. If you want us to do the ‘creative’ part we can aid you with this too.

Videos that we have created in the past

Promotional Video

Youtube Teaser Videos

How To Videos

Overview Video

Youtube Teaser Videos

Marketing Tools

Let’s talk about a HR / Training Animation over a virtual coffee!

The Animation Explainers team takes pride in bringing quality results and overall efficiency in whatever we do, you can see in our portfolio the quality and time we spend on our content. We have collaborated with individuals, professionals and businesses for several years making and turning their organisation goals and ideas into creative and amazing explainer videos.

Please do have a look at our work on our YouTube portfolio…. It really speaks for itself. Dylan Healy, is our in-house creative director and sales manager. He takes a lot of time and effort to nurture our relationships with clients. Keeping our quality and turnaround fast and efficient. Dylan runs the day to day operations at our HQ and heads up our sales team too. Aaron has a genuine passion for tech and overall marketing trends. He makes sure that the whole video explainers process engine runs smoothly our clients worldwide. He always makes sure that our clients seamless experience so they will come back to us again for more amazing video content.
What are you waiting for?

HR / Training Animated Videos, what to do and what not to do!

Your own Hr & Training video animation doesn’t have to come with a crazy high price tag. I think something we focus on here at Animation Explainers is the types of candidates who you want to reach using our explainer video content.

What’s most important to us at Animation Explainers is that we get the script tailored and correct. It is possibly the hardest job we have. Getting the script and call to action correct! Once this is set and the voiceover is recorded the rest of the project flows nicely. It is crucially important to have a concise and interesting script. From this the rest of the project will go nicely!

Secondly, is really, really important to show how your company is different and better from the rest. HireUp’s recruitment video we did is a great example of this. Don’t try to be too gimmicky though, focus on the tone and the message of your organisation and the rest will follow. Candidates are looking for an office and an environment in which they can be happy and feel comfortable, not a place that leaves them on edge!

Lastly, don’t forget to include a strong call to action, what do you want viewers to do when they watch one of our videos? Hr and training videos from Animation Explainers have great entertainment value and can be really funny, but if they do not lead to more applicants and more work, they aren’t a good investment for you. Your top goal should be to attract the right people to apply for your open positions.

Craft a video that speaks to your target candidate, on their level, and make it easy for them to apply! So what are you waiting for? Schedule a call with our team today!

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