Fundraising Explainer Videos

What is a fundraising explainer video?

You can use a variety of content marketing strategies to grab the attention of your audience. One thing you shouldn’t miss is video content and specifically animated video content. They have been used within emails, social media and even on websites and landing pages. It’s really effective and the products we offer at Animation Explainers are extremely adaptable to different formats.
Our fundraising explainer videos typically last around 60-90 seconds. We aim to inspire and motivate your audience to take action and raise finance. It can bring awareness to certain causes or can be used to encourage people to support the organization or campaign. It is a powerful way to communicate your brand message, stories, product or process.

Client: Blossom Finance

Package & Vertical:
Our 90 Second Sales & Marketing Animated Video within the Fundraising space

Some of our fundraising explainer video content…

We have worked with Blossom Finance, a crowdfunding for emerging-market microfinance organisations. This video created for Matthew Martin and his team in Jakarta, Indonesia shares the insight of the organisation. Its overall mission and how they wanted to impact every individual to be financially healthy in emerging economies. Moreover the video also brings attention to what Blossom Finance can do for people and communities in developing economies in general.
Blossom Finance chose Animation Explainers because it’s the only solution that lets them communicate their values, message and branding.

Why our animated fundraising explainer video content is so effective and engaging?

Our fundraising explainer videos are intriguing and creates a simple message where the audience can connect more deeply into your brand, organisation, campaign and cause. Moreover, adding animation to conversations can help create more conversations. What does your brand stand for? What are it’s values? Paint the picture with an explainer video from Animation Explainers.

You can use the video content to demonstrate your work on the ground or in the field wherever you are in the world. The project we conducted with Blossom shows we can scale to any branding, in any economy, worldwide. You can tell your organization’s story with Animation Explainers. And most importantly, you can stir emotions into your audience in a way that can compel them to take action.

Each individual has different emotions and embodies different values and beliefs. Explainer videos are a perfect medium to connect with different audiences. Maybe you could highlight the values of the organization. You can also share a story about how your organisation or campaign started and how it can change the lives of people around the world.

Are you ready to create your own animated explainer video?

Let’s talk about it? Schedule a call with our creative team for an E-coffee.

Why would you work with us?

The Animation Explainers team takes pride in bringing quality results and overall efficiency in whatever we do. You can see in our portfolio the quality and time we spend on our content. We have collaborated with individuals, professionals and businesses for several years. Making and turning their organisation goals and ideas into creative and amazing explainer videos.

We understand that you need professional consultancy with telling your story. From brainstorming of ideas down to scriptwriting. Sound design selection and animation. We manage the task for you so you can have more time, lots of fun and most importantly, you can focus more on other needs of your business away from the marketing side…. Leave that to us!

What we do

We create many different types of explainer videos. Brand videos, promotional videos, 2D/3D animation videos, how-to videos and business case study videos. Give us your idea or a demo and we will start it from there. Trust in our process and requirement’s gathering to come up with a great bespoke video.

Whether you’re an SME or a larger business. If you want to create compelling stories and campaigns that tells about your organisation or brand message, we can help. Help deliver a powerful video that can help you move the needle to succeed in your marketing campaign. We have worked globally with different clients, professionals and organizations throughout the UK, US and Asia among others. Our main goal is to bring seamless experience for our clients. To make the process seamless with our easy and efficient process cutting the time it takes to produce these animated videos along the way.

How we do it?

If you’re ready to talk to us about your needs, we are available 24/7 from Monday to Friday (sometimes later on too). We will respond to your queries and needs as quickly as possible. You may reach out our team through Skype or LinkedIn at your most convenient time to any of our great team.

Let’s talk and brainstorm about your ideas and your business. Find what is the best solution for your needs of the project. We will do a complete assessment of your ideas, the projects needs and any expectations you may have. We also identify the right approach, brand attributes and audience retargeting.


We’ll find the right tools for your project. Write the script, design the storyboard, start your voiceover, choose the music and sound design and create a motion board for your target audience. Simple and easy.


Finally, your video is done! We deserve a celebration! We can celebrate over pizza and beer! What do you think?

Meet our creative directors, storytelling is in their blood!

Hailed from Dublin, Ireland, our creative team directors, Dylan and Aaron are very passionate. They help everyone with the creative process of making explainer videos. They are bringing the animation process they provide to a global audience. They are working in the four corners of the globe to come up with bespoke and timely animations that are setting a new industry standard! They started the company back in 2015 and from there the company has gone from strength to strength. All of our team are resourceful and busy in overseeing the business strategy of the company and the efficiency of their works.

Dylan Healy, the in-house creative director, nurtures our relationships with clients on a daily basis. Dylan makes sure every animated explainer video project runs on time and everyone is happy. He runs daily operation of the Animation Explainers team to ensure every work meets the quality standard and optimum expectations of the clients.

Dylan Healy, Creative Director at Animation Explainers – “Our video content is second to none. You won’t find folks who create our style of animations to good timelines, giving people the time to tell their story and providing a comprehensive process to ensure that everything that leaves our studio is top notch and something that we are very proud of.”

Aaron’s overall passion for marketing trends, technology, processes and design is shown in making very sure that the whole process runs like clockwork for every single client that we work with. Aaron always makes sure that clients expectations is delivered with a smile and making sure that our standards never slip below what we expect at Animation Explainers.

Aaron Connolly, Chief Marketing Officer at Animation Explainers – “Animation Explainers are committed to getting our clients the results that they wanted. We have created hundreds of thousands of explainer videos and that helped us acquire and develop a skill that we’re really good at which is explaining effectively.”

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