Finance & Fintech Animation Videos

What are finance / fintech animation videos?

Finance / fintech explainer videos are usually around about 60-90 seconds long. They can help businesses and professionals to learn and understand various financial concepts. Explainer videos engage your audience about a tricky and technical idea or concept.

The finance / fintech industry is massive for Animation Explainers and we work with clients worldwide from Hong Kong, London to Taiwan. With the power of innovations, people’s attitude to service industry and the financial services industry has completely changed over the course of the last eight years. New financial tech companies are gaining traction.

Finance and the technologies around it have been colliding in recent years. This is creating huge change within financial institutions in the west. In order to introduce your own financial innovations, ideas and products to a consumer base who are not entirely tech savvy and down with the latest technical trends. You need an explainer video that breaks down complicated subjects. This is where an explainer video from the team at Animation Explainers can help educate and engage your audience to a whole new level.

See some of our finance animation explainer videos here

We have worked with various finance / fintech companies like Data Interconnect, CUNA Mutual Fund, WCM, and Blossom Finance among others in our vast portfolio. These companies have one thing in common: they introduce their services & build trust with their customer base. Take a good look at some of our work below.

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Why finance / fintech explainer videos work?

Finance and the technologies around it have been colliding in recent years. This is creating huge change within financial institutions in the west. In order to introduce your own financial innovations, ideas and products to a consumer base who are not entirely tech savvy and down with the latest technical trends. You need an explainer video that breaks down complicated subjects. This is where an explainer video from the team at Animation Explainers can help educate and engage your audience to a whole new level.

This can be understandable, conversational and interesting way through animated video content. Animation videos are easy to understand. Plus, they are highly engaging compared to other mediums in digital marketing trends currently.

Get in touch to see how we can help you

Why work with Animation Explainers?

Our team at Animation Explainers deliver quality results, a quick turnaround and overall efficiency in all of our explainer video services from the start to the end product. Our team love collaborating with individuals, professionals and businesses in bringing creative ideas through explainer videos wherever you are worldwide.

We understand you need an agency with professionalism and style. We make sure that it is seen in all our works, check out our YouTube page and see for yourself. From writing the script to sound design and animation, we simplify the task for you and make the whole experience seamless and enjoyable.

The way people manage their finances is gradually shifting to technology-based methods due to the rise of the smartphone. Technology is taking over many things. Show that your own company is an early adopter by using an explainer videos to introduce your own financial products through digital marketing platforms.

Are you ready to create your own fintech animated explainer video? Let’s talk about it!

We have a simple, easy and efficient process.

We work globally with different professionals from around the UK, US and Asia among others. We provide seamless experience for our clients with our easy and efficient processes and wonderful inhouse team. Explainer videos are educational tools that can help finance and fintech professionals to better understand the tech that is being introduced to their day to day working lives.


We sit down and discuss your ideas and your business, and see what is the best solution for your needs. Our team will do a complete assessment of your ideas, the projects needs, expectations you may have through our requirement’s gathering process via a call.


Once we’ve discussed the project needs and requirements, we find the right tools for your project then start creating your explainer video immediately. Our team write the script, design the storyboard, start your voiceover, choose the music and sound design.


We do revisions to fine tune everything before rendering the final creative output.

Meet our creative directors

Animation Explainers is originally from Dublin, Ireland but we have worked with clients from other countries like UK, US and some in Asia. Our creative team directors, Dylan and Aaron are very passionate in helping everyone with the creative process in the making explainer videos. They are both resourceful in overseeing your video production and have worked on hundreds of video projects in the past.

Aaron Connolly’s passion for marketing trends, technology and efficient processes is shown in making sure that the whole video explainers runs smoothly for every single client. Aaron always makes sure that clients expectations are delivered with ultimate satisfaction and a very seamless experience for all involved.

Dylan is our in-house creative director. He nurtures our relationships with clients on a daily basis to make sure every animated explainer video project runs on time and everyone is happy with every step of the process. He runs the daily operations of the Animation Explainers to ensure every work meets the quality standard and optimum expectations of the clients.

We have created hundreds of explainer videos and that helped us acquire and develop the skill of storytelling, we are the best explainer video firm out there for simplifying and explaining complex business ideas effectively through animation. With Animation Explainers you’ll have a structure and a solid basis that is clear and on point to make sure that your message and brand is portrayed in the best way imaginable.

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