How an Explanatory Video Can Help Your Business

How an Explanatory Video Can Help Your Business

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Explanatory Videos are the secret sauce to your marketing success

You’ve probably already heard of an explanatory video, and you’ve probably seen at least one! They have become very popular in recent years. But do you know what the explainer video is?

An explanatory video is a short animated movie that explains the business idea simply and concisely, using attractive graphics. This is great for any business because it expresses everything you need to know to the audience in less than 90 seconds.

This means that an explanatory video tells you what your business offers, how your business can help your customers solve their problems with your products, and why this product (or service!) Is the best alternative.

Wait.  Don’t  you believe that a 90-second video can do all of this? Let me show you an example!

Can you see it? Explainer videos offer the right sales step every time. They are informational as well as educational. There are many graphics video styles, but they still have the same formal characteristics:

The explanatory videos are short

As we said earlier in the second paragraph, this is a type of video that will broadcast a clear message in less than 90 seconds. And this is the rule: a good video explainer should not last more than 90 seconds!

Explainer Video

Explanatory videos are simple

An excellent animated marketing explainer video transmits a simple message after the classical structure of the story: the beginning, the middle and the end, which answers these essential questions: “what”, “how” and “why” about your businesses. 


They are intended for a specific audience

The explanatory video is not designed for anyone; it has been specially designed to meet the needs and expectations of your target audience. These videos focus on your target audience and their issues. Also, they are intended to create a deep link between your target audience and your brand.

Target Market


The explanatory video uses animated characters

With animated marketing videos, you can create characters that resemble your target audience. Also, the animation helps to communicate your message in a fun and relevant way, adding in the video a touch of fun and personality.

They stick to the identity of the brand

Videos with animated explanations always relate to your brand using a variety of elements: the colours of your brand, for example, that generate instant brand recognition.

If the video meets these basic features, this is a good explainer video. And if you are careful, you will see many of them.  Many brands like the explainer videos, and for a good reason;  they have become a staple in the world of marketing today.

But why? What are the main benefits of having an explanatory video for your brand? Let’s see …

This is an example video project we completed for Factory CRO medical devices.

Key Benefits of explanatory video

Creating an explanatory video for your company will strengthen your marketing strategy. I’m sure you’ve heard already how awesome they are, but why? How do these videos optimize your marketing efforts?

Increase your visibility on the web

Creating an explanatory video for your brand will help you in many ways, but will increase your visibility on the Internet. You see, the video is naturally attractive. By showing an explanatory video to specific keywords on your website, such as a landing page, your audience will see it easily and watch.

This increases the time spent on your site, which is very popular among search engines (like Google). They will know that your audience is interested in your content and will rank you higher in search engines.

Also, the video is the only way to access the world’s second search engine, YouTube. (And it’s possible to take a high place on YouTube.)

Explain your business idea in a matter of seconds

What is the main message to be delivered to your audience? What you do, why you do it and why you can do it better than your competitors. It’s vital that this message reach your audience. To do this, you need to do it as soon as possible – we all know that Internet users have a concise period of attention! Through explainer video, you can achieve it.

Business Idea Lightbulb


Increase share ability

Did you know that video content is the most common type of material on social networks? The video is 1200% larger than the link and the text in combination. People love to share fun, informative and valuable information with their friends and peers.

They are ideal for mobile devices

More than half of all video content is being viewed on mobile devices – we do not need to say that it is enormous. Mobile users prefer video content because it is an amiable type of media for viewing on mobile devices. Video content perfectly fits into the logic of mobile.

Make viewers take action

A video that ends with a clear CTA will force your viewers to act in the right direction, whether they subscribe to a newsletter, fill out a form, or download specific content. They will act!


They use the visual (and verbal!) Training as much as possible

People learn better when they have fun – and if you’ve already fallen asleep during a particularly boring class, you’ll know it. Explanatory videos are just the opposite of these boring lessons: they train your audience most dynamically, with brief information and exciting situations. Your audience will be delighted and learn something useful!


They help increase conversions and sales

Adding animated video through a folder to your home page increases the number of conversions by 20%! Your job is to make sure that the first thing your audience sees when you access your website is the explanatory video.

Increase Conversions and Sales


Explainer video increase awareness of the brand!

These videos should display and symbolize your brand at any time. An excellent animated video will show the colours of your brand and will require settings to meet all your business needs. (And your audience too!)

An example is the Xarasan Mosquito Patches, a video we’ve previously done.


The role of explanatory videos in your buyer’s journey

Video content plays a significant role in online marketing and is growing day by day. Every day, more and more companies are adding sales videos to their strategies and your business should not be left out.

Thus, when planning an inbound marketing strategy, the presence of many types of video content is essential. Let’s take a look at the basics of the first inbound marketing:

As you can see, a typical buyer’s trip has three main steps:

An awareness phase during which your prospects become aware of a problem they encounter and begin to identify and understand the problem.

The reflection phase in which your prospects will explore different ways to solve this problem and in which they will determine the possible solutions,

And the decision-making stage, during which your point of view already knows what kind of answer they need – they decided the type of solution you propose, but the doubts remain: should they buy from of your company or your competitors?

Explanatory video animations are usually at the buyer’s stage: your customer is ready to hear from you because they have already identified their problem and are looking for possible solutions.

And yes, yes! Your company is here with a product to save the day! Or, at least, you will talk about this in the explainer video, that you will allow them to look precisely when they need it.

If your audience is willing to listen to solutions to their problems, then you have the opportunity to teach them what you can do for them. Use it!

By developing an exciting video, you will consider it one of the best options on the market, leaving your mark among the best competitors when making the final decision.

And before you finish … Just some professional advice!

You are now so convinced that we also have the advantage of explaining the videos. But before creating yours, let’s see some essential tips.

First, when making your promotional video, make sure it is fully customizable. The only way to guarantee excellent video results is to make it perfectly compatible with the characteristics, expectations and needs of the target audience.

We know that the only way to get the best videos is to create their videos tailored to specific viewers.

Let’s take a look

The Explainer video is an incredible tool for any business.


They are short for a specific audience, and they will always provide an ideal level of sales. These videos are suitable for reviewing your traveler’s trip as they explain to the public what you are doing and why you are better at it.


This is the base. Now you are fully prepared for all the benefits you have when you have an explanatory video. 

How do you know if you need an explanatory video for your business?

Every business starts when the founders have come up with the idea of solving the problem. You work in a construction company, in car rental or a publishing house – you think your business is the best solution for your customers, but remember that you have competitors! How can you assure your potential customers that you are offering better solutions than your competitors?


Show them! Do not tell them.

Your potential customers receive many promotional messages from many companies. Therefore, you need:

Attract potential customers to watch what you offer

Explain to them how your brand helps solve your problems better than your competitors, these two tasks are not simple.

People are only looking for the information they need. An explainer video is a content that will help you provide this information via a well-written script. Using a high-quality video ad for your business can dramatically increase your sales and conversions. And guess, your audience will also be able to share your message with others they know who might need your product.

An explanation of something you sell too can be complicated. You want something to sell or to give ideas to your audience, but simple words cannot explain everything. This can be a daunting task if you have a new product or a business startup.

An explanatory video is the best way to achieve the above goals. You can create an informative but exciting and exciting video. You can create a story with characters, play animated texts and silhouettes, or use another innovative idea! The animated video will help you quickly and interestingly to explain what you are doing to your audience.

An explanatory video can cost most of your marketing budget because, you will agree, video production takes a lot of time – not to mention the necessary software licenses. But the creation of the animation video guarantees a high return on investment.

Check out the benefits of explainer videos here.


In short, you should consider creating a video that explains your business if:

  1. You want to make  your service unique from your competitors
  2. You want to succeed in video marketing
  3. You want to attract visitors to your website
  4. You want to have a strong presence on social networks (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc.)
  5. You offer  new products
  6. You want to present your company
  7. You want your website to look great (if you put it there)
  8. You want to deliver ideas that would be best displayed by the animation

So, whether you’re planning a new business, working on a new product, or planning an innovation campaign to maximize your business’s potential, including explanatory videos in your advertising budget, it’s going to be one of the best investments you’ve ever made.


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