Why Businesses Should Use Animation for Marketing

Why Businesses Should Use Animation for Marketing

Video has taken the marketing world by storm. In recent years, it has become one of the most popular and effective approaches to marketing, supplanting traditional methods as the dominant option. However, this rapid rise to stardom presents a double-edged sword, especially for businesses just getting started. Though undoubtedly effective, the popularity of video marketing means that you will be one of many businesses using the same approach. This begs the question – how can you use this effective marketing tool while still appearing unique and eye-catching?

Enter animation. One of the most malleable types of video content, animation is a surefire solution to creating fresh content while still reaping the benefits provided by video marketing. Animation can fulfil any role you might need, with its popularity showing no signs of slowing down, making it a standout addition to your marketing toolbelt.

What is animation marketing?

Animation marketing is essentially a sub-genre of video marketing, consisting of several different types of animated content. Like video marketing, it aims to convey ideas and concepts to an audience, along with increasing traffic and sales for businesses. Animation marketing primarily focuses on, you guessed it, animation but can be significantly impacted by the additions of music and voice. As a concept, animation marketing is tried, tested, and effective, with its uses ranging from product advertisements to teaser trailers. Though not strictly marketing-related, animation has shown significant success in entertainment, with many a YouTube channel specialising in animation garnering a large following.

Types of animation

As animation marketing spans a number of different approaches, it can be a challenge to settle on which to use. Some types can fit brands better than others, so it’s worth doing some research to see which kinds match your business best. Let’s discuss a few animation types.

schedule a call bannerAnimated explainer videos

Animated explainer videos are a type of motion graphic, blending animation with text. As the name suggests, they are a great way of explaining something to your audience, such as what you do and why they should buy your product or service.

Animated explainer videos don’t fill a specific niche. They can be used pretty much anywhere, with time being the only restriction. As they aim to convey information, short and sweet is the best bet. A well-structured, visually appealing, concise video is perfect, with around a minute being the ideal length.

2D animations

Though a very simple type of video, 2D animations offer plenty of options. From character animations to infographics, you can use 2D animations to engage with your audience, creating a story and injecting a bit of emotion into your video instead of flatly marketing to them.

With 2D animations, you will be pretty limited compared to other options, so be sure to consider alternatives if you are aiming for something more intricate.

Brand animations

Brand animations focus on showing your audience what your business does. They are often the first thing a prospective customer would see. It’s important to make them eye-catching and engaging. Similar to animation explainer videos, it’s a good idea to keep brand animations brief. A punchy, minute-long video that hits all the essential points of your businesses is much better than one that drags, as it can help with audience retention (assuming the video is on your site) and conversion.

Why choose animation marketing?

We’ve been over the what, but now for the important question – why use animation marketing over other options? Well, as with anything marketing-based, there are several factors at play. Let’s take a look.

Easy on the pocketbook

The cheaper a marketing strategy, the better, as it often means a much higher return on investment. As luck would have it, animation falls neatly into this category, with the exception of the absolute top of the range. Depending on what you’re willing to spend, you have some options regarding how you tackle the creation process. You could create your content in-house using widely available software, outsource to a company, or a blend of the two. Even when hiring a professional outfit to create your animations for you, the costs will be a far cry from alternatives like live-action videos.

Animation is memorable

Arguably the driving reason for the success of animation marketing, information expressed through this marketing method is considerably easier to digest and retain than many alternatives. This is largely thanks to animation being fun and engaging, in contrast to many dry marketing methods out there. Through animation, you can pair your marketing aims with emotion, stories, music, memorable visuals, and more. All of which help your audience associate your brand with something fun and interesting, boosting retention as a result.

Animation has broad appeal

Animations certainly are particularly popular with a younger audience, but that doesn’t mean they don’t appeal to older demographics. In fact, you may well find that by using animation, you open yourself up to a broader audience.

It should be no surprise that children don’t find many marketing approaches worth their time. The same can be said for many age demographics onwards. However, animation can help you broaden what audiences will find your content appealing, making it easier for you to extend your reach.

Your creativity is the limit

One of the most appealing points about animation is the lack of limitations. If you can think something up, you can animate it, no matter how outlandish. This is in stark contrast to live-action content as those approaches are restricted in what they can do. With costs rising the more adventurous they get. For example, businesses attempting to film elephants in the desert might have a hard time if their office is in snowy Alaska. With animation, this restriction is lifted, allowing businesses to animate whatever they want, wherever they want it. For better or worse, this can be used to create some incredibly unique content. Something that can help your brand stand out amidst competitors and make for a more successful marketing campaign.

Animation is subtle

The key to success with animation marketing is storytelling. You don’t need to write War and Peace. A short story with captivating visuals wrapped around your marketing will make it far more enjoyable for your audience. Additionally, it makes your marketing videos less corporate, boring, and more likely to strike a chord with your audience. In short, the best advertisements are the ones that don’t feel like advertisements.

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