About us

Why Animation Explainers?

Isn’t it strange how in our hyperconnected, utopian future- present we appear to be living in can make us feel so… Disconnected? From the crack of dawn too late in the evening, bedtime, we are bombarded with unmelodious streams of information via smartphone, tablet, and the laptop screen.

Be honest with yourself. How many times in the last day alone have you started reading something interesting on the web – be it a news article, blog post, or slightly-too-personal Facebook update – managed a measly few paragraphs, and clicked onto something more interesting? You’re not alone….

Research by US magazine Slate found that users typically spent just fifteen seconds looking at an online article; around half of readers didn’t look far enough down the page to warrant scrolling; and, tellingly, of the few who remained awake past that point, 80% only consumed the rich content (that’s photos and videos) and overlooked the text. This is modern consumption: people want content short, simple, and loaded with moving pictures to coo at.

In certain sectors, this presents a conundrum. How can businesses attract interest and investors if Joe Public doesn’t understand what is going on in new and innovative industries? Enter the team at Animation Explainers!

Meet the key members of our amazing team

Aaron Connolly


Dylan Healy


John Qualls

Board Adviser

Hugo O' Connor

Project Manager

Phil Grounds

Marketing Manager

Hannah Clayton

Content Writer

Jack Nguyen

Business Development

Jessica Campbell

Business Development
our values

Great relationships, Stunning results.


Client Commitment
We commit to each and every client. We always approach our work with a positive mindset and this adds value to all our clients.
This strength of character makes sure that AE goes from strength to strength even when the chips are down. We continue to strive forward even in the face of adversity.
Creating quality & stylish visual assets that you can connect with your audience. All of our videos & work are top notch and we have all the sufficient tools inhouse to make sure everything is of the highest standards possible.
Abundance mentality
throughout the organisation. Opportunities Vs Obstacles. Our clients like to work with a young millennial, positive and determined workforce!
Thinking out of the Box
We are always striving to do something different and special. This is where our Animation Explainers was founded & will aid us in growing the business into 2021 and onwards. Batteries included, drive, energy, action biased, doers, problem solvers.
Extra Mile
At Animation Explainers we never give up & always strive to serve clients around the world however difficult a brief might seem.

Explainer Video Creation

Simple Yet Effective Process

When creating explainer videos we take a simple yet effective approach. Our process unlocks a unique way to portray clarity, ease of use and to communicate effectively.

We fill a communicative gap using our client’s own branded content, remixing it, adding animation, a bespoke voiceover and high quality music to get every message across effectively!

How we do it!

We’re the animation industry’s most talented and skilled professionals. Our team creates animated stories that engage viewers and explain complex topics.

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