animated explainer video production

We simplify your business ideas and products through animated explainer videos.

The world’s leading brands choose animation explainers to help
them tell their stories.

Our Clients Include

What we do

We explain your ideas, products, and businesses in simple new ways that reach the right audiences. We make things instantly understandable.
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Videos Created
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Amazing Clients

How we do it

We’re the animation industry’s most talented and skilled professionals. Our team creates animated stories that engage viewers and explain complex topics.
INFORM and entertain

How we do it

Our mission is to help businesses grow quickly. We’re proud that our animated explainer videos are driving business growth and prosperity worldwide.

Animation Sample Portfolio

DHL V1, USA1:24s

Logistics & Supply Chain, Use Cases

Deutsche Telekom, Germany1:29s

Telecommunications, Use Cases

Fonolo, Canada1:56s

Telecommunications, Use Cases

Identite, USA1:05s

Computer Network & Security, Use Cases

AIG V1, USA1:32s

Insurance, Use Cases

ISA, USA2:56s

Computer Network & Security, Use Cases

Banqsoft V4, Norway2:04

Banking Software, Computer Software, Financial Services, Use Cases

XMA, United Kingdom0:42s

Information Technology & Services, Use Cases

Siren, United States2:442s

Computer Network & Security, Use Cases

Professional animation on a global scale

With offices worldwide, we serve these countries & regions:
a winning recipe

All the ingredients for video marketing success

We tell the best stories

Bring your ideas to life with memorable storytelling. Our creative team tells a story that your audience won't forget.

The right voice-over language & accent

We create videos in the world's most popular languages and accents, including English, German, French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, and many others.

Top-quality business animation

We're the leader in creating animated video explainers for small-to-midsize businesses and non-profit groups worldwide.


Frequently Asked Questions

It’s a short video that explains a business or shows an idea. It’s the most economical way to “reach and teach” people.

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The average cost of a quality explainer video project is between $2,500–$5,000. And that number can change depending on several factors, such as the length and complexity of the video that you need.

Every animated explainer video script always uses a formula, structure and approach for it to be seen as effective to the audience. In writing the explainer video script, it has to be short, concise and speaks directly to the audience.

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Combine killer script, storyboard, quality animation, bespoke voiceover, music and you’ll be able to make an informative explainer video that are guaranteed to make your viewers feel smart.

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An animated explainer video gives you an opportunity to make your potential customers understand what your product or services are and how they solve problems. Not only does it use an audio and visual message to share your ideas more effectively, but it also significantly boosts retention.
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The optimal length for an explainer video is 1 to 2 minutes long. When it reaches more than 2 minutes in duration, the average views drops from 77 % to 57%. At Animation Explainers, we think the best and most optimal length for an animated explainer video is 60 seconds.
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A good explainer video connects with the audience and gets their attention quickly. Focus on important things including the problem and solution. Understand what you are trying to achieve with your explainer video. Read more

There are many places that you can place your business explainer video online and even in day to day life. When people come to this page your video will help them understand what your product or service does quickly and efficiently.

There are many places you can use your brand new sparkling explainer video such as Social Media, Email Marketing, Email Signature and an FAQ section on your company website. Even on advertising boards in Airports, common areas within Universities, on LED tvs within office spaces. The list is really endless!

We offer nearly any accent that you can typically think of, we have a great bunch of folks that work with us on a daily basis that can match your voicing/tonal needs. From Irish Male to US Female and from to UK male to Australian female.

Your voiceover will be crystal clear and of a really high quality. We also offer our a background soundtrack from which you can choose during our requirements gathering process.

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